Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Trip to the Stardome!
Last week we went on our first ever school trip! We went on a bendy bus with Room 1 and Room 5. Have a look at all the things we saw!

The start of our big adventure!

 Waiting to go inside!

We went inside and watched a movie about a little star that was really our  Sun!

After the movie we got to explore...

 We even got to "Dress up" as Astronauts!

This is called the Pumpkin suit!

After all the fun we had looking at all the cool things we went into the classroom and we learnt about how the Sun, Moon and Earth all work together.

 Nati, Lily and Daniel (from Room 1) dressed up as the Sun, Moon and the Earth! They showed us how we move around the Sun and Moon moves around us!

Then we hopped back on the bus. We were all a little bit tired now!

 We saw the Sky Tower.

 We saw a big boat from the Navy!

What a fun first trip we had!

1 comment:

  1. Your first trip to the Observatory looks like a lot of fun Room 2. I am sure that you will have learnt lots of interesting things about your Science topic.
