Thursday, September 27, 2012

Space homework challenge

Over the past couple of weeks all the children in year 1 and 2 were given a homework challenge.
The challenge was to create something about space that interested them or to show something that they had learnt.
I always knew that the kids in Room 2 were amazing and creative but their projects blew me away!
Have a look at the photos below...

 Oscar's project
Joshua's project 
Nati's project 
Jack's project 
Jenna's project 
Kaden's project 
 Lily's project
Christine's project 
Yea Won's project 
Ellen-Rose's project 
Bradley's project 
Liam's project 
Maia's project 
Sienna-Rose's project 
Eden's project

Well done to everyone who completed this challenge and a BIG thanks to all the family members who helped with these creations!

1 comment:

  1. Wow love your project Maia very amazing !!!
    From Evie and Anni
